
Procurement Terms



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18 Terms
Spend Analysis Clear all
Acquisition Cost
Total Cost of Ownership (TCO), sometimes Cost Driver Analysis, Acquisition Cost or Value for Money (VfM), is an estimate of the true cost of buying a product or service. It is the sum of all costs incurred during acquisition, possession, utilization and disposition of a product or service. TCO is important because it represents a bigger picture beyond the basic purchase price and reflects the costs that aren’t necessarily included in the upfront pricing.
Category Management Sourcing Spend Analysis
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Ad-hoc Purchasing

Maverick spend, sometimes Rogue Spending, Non-compliant Purchasing, Off-contract Buying, Ad-hoc Purchasing or Independent Sourcing, refers to the practice of purchasing goods or services outside of the established procurement policies, procedures, and controls of an organization. This can include purchases made without proper authorization, outside of approved supplier contracts, or without the use of preferred suppliers.

Maverick spend can lead to a range of negative outcomes for an organization, including higher costs, reduced process efficiency, decreased compliance, and increased risk. When purchases are made outside of the established procurement process, it can be difficult for procurement professionals to manage supplier performance effectively, negotiate favorable pricing, or identify opportunities for cost savings.

To address maverick spend, organizations typically implement policies and procedures to promote compliance with procurement policies, and specialized software to help monitor and manage procurement activities. This can include the use of spend analytics, supplier management systems, and e-procurement platforms to streamline the procurement process and improve visibility into purchasing activities.

By reducing maverick spend and increasing compliance with procurement policies, organizations can improve their financial performance, reduce waste and inefficiency, and better manage risk.

Risk Management Spend Analysis
Category Profiling
Category profiling is a process in procurement that involves analyzing and evaluating spend data and supply market characteristics to gain a deep understanding of a particular category of products or services. The objective of category profiling is to identify opportunities for cost savings, risk mitigation, and supplier performance improvement within a particular category. Category profiling typically involves a detailed supply market analysis, including factors such as supply chain dynamics, supplier capabilities, industry trends, and regulatory requirements. It also involves a comprehensive review of historical spending data and supplier performance data to identify areas of inefficiency or opportunity for improvement.
Category Management Risk Management Spend Analysis Supplier Management
Cost Driver Analysis
Total Cost of Ownership (TCO), sometimes Cost Driver Analysis, Acquisition Cost or Value for Money (VfM), is an estimate of the true cost of buying a product or service. It is the sum of all costs incurred during acquisition, possession, utilization and disposition of a product or service. TCO is important because it represents a bigger picture beyond the basic purchase price and reflects the costs that aren’t necessarily included in the upfront pricing.
Sourcing Spend Analysis
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Independent Sourcing

Maverick spend, sometimes Rogue Spending, Non-compliant Purchasing, Off-contract Buying, Ad-hoc Purchasing or Independent Sourcing, refers to the practice of purchasing goods or services outside of the established procurement policies, procedures, and controls of an organization. This can include purchases made without proper authorization, outside of approved supplier contracts, or without the use of preferred suppliers.

Maverick spend can lead to a range of negative outcomes for an organization, including higher costs, reduced process efficiency, decreased compliance, and increased risk. When purchases are made outside of the established procurement process, it can be difficult for procurement professionals to manage supplier performance effectively, negotiate favorable pricing, or identify opportunities for cost savings.

To address maverick spend, organizations typically implement policies and procedures to promote compliance with procurement policies, and specialized software to help monitor and manage procurement activities. This can include the use of spend analytics, supplier management systems, and e-procurement platforms to streamline the procurement process and improve visibility into purchasing activities.

By reducing maverick spend and increasing compliance with procurement policies, organizations can improve their financial performance, reduce waste and inefficiency, and better manage risk.

Risk Management Spend Analysis
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Maverick Spend

Maverick spend, sometimes Rogue Spending, Non-compliant Purchasing, Off-contract Buying, Ad-hoc Purchasing or Independent Sourcing, refers to the practice of purchasing goods or services outside of the established procurement policies, procedures, and controls of an organization. This can include purchases made without proper authorization, outside of approved supplier contracts, or without the use of preferred suppliers.

Maverick spend can lead to a range of negative outcomes for an organization, including higher costs, reduced process efficiency, decreased compliance, and increased risk. When purchases are made outside of the established procurement process, it can be difficult for procurement professionals to manage supplier performance effectively, negotiate favorable pricing, or identify opportunities for cost savings.

To address maverick spend, organizations typically implement policies and procedures to promote compliance with procurement policies, and specialized software to help monitor and manage procurement activities. This can include the use of spend analytics, supplier management systems, and e-procurement platforms to streamline the procurement process and improve visibility into purchasing activities.

By reducing maverick spend and increasing compliance with procurement policies, organizations can improve their financial performance, reduce waste and inefficiency, and better manage risk.

Risk Management Spend Analysis
Non-compliant Purchasing

Maverick spend, sometimes Rogue Spending, Non-compliant Purchasing, Off-contract Buying, Ad-hoc Purchasing or Independent Sourcing, refers to the practice of purchasing goods or services outside of the established procurement policies, procedures, and controls of an organization. This can include purchases made without proper authorization, outside of approved supplier contracts, or without the use of preferred suppliers.

Maverick spend can lead to a range of negative outcomes for an organization, including higher costs, reduced process efficiency, decreased compliance, and increased risk. When purchases are made outside of the established procurement process, it can be difficult for procurement professionals to manage supplier performance effectively, negotiate favorable pricing, or identify opportunities for cost savings.

To address maverick spend, organizations typically implement policies and procedures to promote compliance with procurement policies, and specialized software to help monitor and manage procurement activities. This can include the use of spend analytics, supplier management systems, and e-procurement platforms to streamline the procurement process and improve visibility into purchasing activities.

By reducing maverick spend and increasing compliance with procurement policies, organizations can improve their financial performance, reduce waste and inefficiency, and better manage risk.

Risk Management Spend Analysis
Off-contract Buying

Maverick spend, sometimes Rogue Spending, Non-compliant Purchasing, Off-contract Buying, Ad-hoc Purchasing or Independent Sourcing, refers to the practice of purchasing goods or services outside of the established procurement policies, procedures, and controls of an organization. This can include purchases made without proper authorization, outside of approved supplier contracts, or without the use of preferred suppliers.

Maverick spend can lead to a range of negative outcomes for an organization, including higher costs, reduced process efficiency, decreased compliance, and increased risk. When purchases are made outside of the established procurement process, it can be difficult for procurement professionals to manage supplier performance effectively, negotiate favorable pricing, or identify opportunities for cost savings.

To address maverick spend, organizations typically implement policies and procedures to promote compliance with procurement policies, and specialized software to help monitor and manage procurement activities. This can include the use of spend analytics, supplier management systems, and e-procurement platforms to streamline the procurement process and improve visibility into purchasing activities.

By reducing maverick spend and increasing compliance with procurement policies, organizations can improve their financial performance, reduce waste and inefficiency, and better manage risk.

Risk Management Spend Analysis
Rogue Spend

Maverick spend, sometimes Rogue Spending, Non-compliant Purchasing, Off-contract Buying, Ad-hoc Purchasing or Independent Sourcing, refers to the practice of purchasing goods or services outside of the established procurement policies, procedures, and controls of an organization. This can include purchases made without proper authorization, outside of approved supplier contracts, or without the use of preferred suppliers.

Maverick spend can lead to a range of negative outcomes for an organization, including higher costs, reduced process efficiency, decreased compliance, and increased risk. When purchases are made outside of the established procurement process, it can be difficult for procurement professionals to manage supplier performance effectively, negotiate favorable pricing, or identify opportunities for cost savings.

To address maverick spend, organizations typically implement policies and procedures to promote compliance with procurement policies, and specialized software to help monitor and manage procurement activities. This can include the use of spend analytics, supplier management systems, and e-procurement platforms to streamline the procurement process and improve visibility into purchasing activities.

By reducing maverick spend and increasing compliance with procurement policies, organizations can improve their financial performance, reduce waste and inefficiency, and better manage risk.

Risk Management Spend Analysis
Spend Analysis

Spend analysis, sometimes Spend Analytics or Spend Profiling, is the process of collecting, categorizing, and analyzing an organization's spend data to gain insights into its purchasing patterns and identify opportunities for cost savings and process improvements. Spend analysis is essential to procurement and supply chain management, providing critical information for decision-making and strategic planning.

The spend analysis process typically involves collecting data from various sources, such as purchase orders, invoices, and payment records. The data is then cleaned, consolidated, and categorized to provide a comprehensive view of the organization's spending across different categories, suppliers, and locations.

Once the data is analyzed, spend analysis can help organizations to identify areas of excessive spending, negotiate better pricing with suppliers, optimize their procurement processes, and improve their overall efficiency and performance. Spend analysis can also help organizations to monitor compliance with purchasing policies and regulations and identify potential risks and opportunities for innovation.

Category Management Procurement Strategy Sourcing Spend Analysis Supplier Management
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